Sunday, 20 June 2010

Phew -- finally back!

So last time I posted I was on my way to 2 craft shows in one day. Make it Vancouver and Got Craft (I'll let you know how they were in a separate post).  I made it to those shows and then that eve I got really sick.

I have been fighting health issues for a ling time now and am really frustrated with the mainstream health system. I get sick, doc gives me a medicine to make it better but can't tell me why I keep getting sick in the first place. I've had 3 courses of antibiotics in 4 months. So I decided to take things into my own hands and went to a natural path. I am so glad I did! Apparently all the issues I have stem from food allergies! Who knew? So I await the tests to see exactly which foods I am allergic to. The natural path has told me I have to cut out all caffeine. Those of you who know me, know I don't like chocolate of coffee (gasp -- its true) but I have a serious Coke Zero addiction. It has been a long several weeks!

I have started taking the supplements that were given to me and cut out all drinks but water and I am slowly starting to feel better. So I decided to update the website as it was long overdue . . . . fast-forward to next disaster!

In our new house I have set up a wireless network. Everything has been going smoothly since we moved in until I sat down to update the website and I couldn't get an Internet connection. I am pretty tech-savy but I couldn't figure it out. So I called our friend Gord (who has a mobile computer company) to come and help. He fixed it. I came home checked my e-mails and lost the connection -- couldn't get it back. Gord came again (poor Gord). He fixed it. It went down again. He came back -- he worked some new magic on it and here I am -- keeping my finger crossed! Unfortunately during the reconfiguration I lost the settings to access the website. I really should have written them down somewhere! Oh well -- I finally figured it out and the website is now updated and has a bunch of new calls for entry and craft fairs listed. The summer is looking very good for us crafty people! Thank you for all the great e-mails letting me know what's coming up -- I promise I wasn't ignoring you -- I was just having serious problems!

So stay tuned -- I will post about my visits to Got Craft and Make it Vancouver as well as the progress on my new crafting room. 

Oh and I am looking for some new pics of local crafts to feature on the website so if you have a good pic of your work send it on over so I can showcase it!

Till next time,


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